Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Travel Tip #5: Phone Chargers

If you are like me, you continually forget to pack your cell phone charger when traveling. Countless times I've found myself in my hotel room talking to my wife when the low battery signal would remind me of my forgotten charger. If away from home for more than a few days I would go to the local mall and purchase a replacement charger. Very frustrating!

The next time this happens to you and if you are staying at a hotel save some money by asking the front desk attendant if they have any spare cell phone chargers in "lost and found". If the hotel is like the 15 managed by Professional Hospitality, the front desk associate will return from "lost and found" with a box full of cell phone chargers forgotten by past guests. In most cases the associate will let you have a charger or at the very least allow you to borrow it during your stay.

In my 17 year hospitality career here is a list of some of the odd things that guests have left in a room after checking out.

duffel bag with a large sum of money
various musical instruments
prosthetic arm
prosthetic leg
clown costume
various fire arms
wall mounted pay-phone
wedding dress
1 empty urn
3 full urns
and my personal favorite...2 small alligators

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