Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Travel Agencies

In 2007, American Express disclosed its global corporate travel sales. It reported $20.5 billion in global corporate travel sales, an 11 percent increase over $18.5 billion in 2006. Unfortunately, Amex declined to authorize how many transactions that dollar figure represents. The Business Travel News estimates the dollar figure represents 15.3 million transactions. Amex is the only major travel company that did not disclose transaction numbers. Below are the top ten travel companies according to the number of transactions processed. Although not included, it is assumed Amex would be at the top of the list.

1. Carlson Wagonlit Travel 11,001,156
2. Omega Travel 962,553
3. Travel and Transport 738,854
4. Tzell Travel Group 648,940
5. World Travel 564,768
6. Ovation Travel Group 397,212
7. Adelman Travel Group 361,496
8. The Travel Authority 351,534
9. Garber/FCm Travel 329,446
10. Directravel 325,435