Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Meet the Hotel Guest of 2020

The below article is very entertaining and serves as a future reminder that today's hotel guest is an ever changing being whose wants and needs change with the changing technology. if we don't give our hotel guests what they want and expect...they will find it somewhere else. The article was written by Jitendra Jain, who is employed with Starwood Hotels & resorts in Dubai.

It is the year 2020. The past twelve years have been a flurry of development in the areas of design, nanotechnology, robotics, medicine, the Internet, security and law. Contrary to popular opinion, the hotel industry has not been slow on the uptake. It’s been the decade of hospitality renaissance. A coming of age, an evolution of service as it should be…and a tribute to true personalization. Here’s a look at the hotel guest experience in the year 2020 and how guests have helped the industry become truly magnificent:

My stay. My choice. I can choose and book all elements of my stay before I arrive, from my king sized bed, a fabulous view of the sea, non-allergenic pillows, a romantic dinner at the hot new fusion restaurant on my 3rd night, a pampering at the spa on the 4th, a round of golf on the 5th and a super chocolate sundae, served cold upon arrival (not to forget my airport pickup and drop with a virtual interactive city tour, of course). Hotel revenue and inventory management systems have evolved to a level where every amenity and service can be chosen, packaged, sold and delivered.

Click here for the remainder of the article.