Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Service Tracks Shady Hotel Guests

Are you one of those hotel guests that purposely complains about everything in hopes to get a refund or discount? You know who you are. When a customer service representative asks you "how was your stay", you complain that the drapes didn't block enough sun from coming into your room, you complain that you could hear interstate traffic while trying to sleep although you knew before hand that the hotel was located just yards from said interstate, you complain that the room rate is too high although you agreed to the rate at check in, you complain that the thread count of the sheets isn't high enough, you complain that the free orange juice was too cold because it hurt your teeth, you complain that your room wasn't cleaned although you had the "do not disturb" sign on your door all day long, you complain that you didn't get your wake-up call although you are unsure if you ever asked for one, you complain that the pattern of the hall carpeting is too "intense" because it makes you dizzy, you complain about "jet noise" but in the same breath say that you chose the hotel because it was so close to the airport....

If you are one of these people...BEWARE, the hospitality industry is onto you! launched last month. The service aims to help the hospitality industry combat fraud and check guests with suspicious patterns. David Barber, of, estimates scams cab cost a hotel 5%-7% of revenue a year. charges $472.80 per year and bills itself as an across the board, world wide service that detects patterns of financial fraud and guest abuse.