Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Transportation Security Administration

TSA (tsa.gov) officials may be the most hated people on your list when flying in America. Nothing is more frustrating than going through security lines at your airport of choice. Although I know why the procedures must be followed I absolutely hate the fact that I have to remove my shoes while going through security.

The TSA website (tsa.gov) always has updated info regarding new/current luggage and carry-on rules. It might be a good idea to visit the site for a few minutes before your next flight to make sure your expert packing at home the night before won't be in vain the following day at the airport.

The site also has other related travel/flight articles that I found interesting. I also liked their "brag" section that gave a brief description of some of the terrorist plots that the tsa helped thwart. The hi-jacking of plans was very prevalent in the Middle east in the 70's and 80's. I hope America's TSA will prevent that from happening in the United States.

Their procedures may be a hassle, but they are batting .1000 since September 11, 2001.