Thursday, November 29, 2007

Travel Tip: In Case of Emergency

I recently read an interesting article in Best Life magazine. The article "10 Numbers Every Man Should Have on Speed Dial" was written by Jason Daley. Although all of the telephone numbers were good ideas, one stuck out as being a great travel tip that could someday save your life.

An excerpt from the article is below.

In Case of Emergency (ICE) Started by paramedics in 2005, the ICE program is an effort to get people to list their emergency contacts in their phone under the label ICE. Then, if you're in an accident, police or hospital staff can use your cell phone to notify your family or friends quickly. Simply input the phone numbers and store them as ICE-wife, ICE-dad, ICE-daughter, etc. Some people also put a small red sticker on their phone to let emergency services know it contains ICE numbers.

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