Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jatropha Plant

The jatropha plant originated in the Caribbean. It was spread as a valuable hedge plant to Africa and Asia by Portuguese traders. The jatropha plant bears separate male and female flowers which contains compounds that are very toxic. The plant is resistant to drought and pests and produces seeds containing 40% oil.

Why is this important to the travel industry? Click here for details.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tension In the Friendly Skies

Today in USA TODAY Snapshots section, the following poll results were published from

Types of people adults say are the most annoying to fellow air travelers. Those who...

Let their kids run around: 59%
Thrust back their seats during meals: 46%
Insist on chatting: 45%
Smell of strong perfume/cologne: 39%
Are not prepared at security checkpoint: 37%

These results are from 1100 U.S. passengers