Thursday, September 04, 2008

The 10 Most Delayed Airlines

The Department of Transportation compiles monthly statistics on which airports have the most delayed flights. However, what travelers need to realize is that flight arrival times are more important than departure times. Departure times are based on the time that the plane leaves the gate. If the plane leaves the gate on-time, but waits on the tarmac for 3 is still considered to have an on-time departure.

These stats are based on % of on-time arrivals.

1. American 58.8
2. United 59.3
3. Comair 63.4
4. JetBlue 64.9
5. American Eagle 65.7
6. Mesa 67.3
7. Continental 67.4
8. Northwest 67.6
9. ExpressJet 68.5
10. Delta 72.9

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